实战篇: 申请Homeschooling



现在所谓的学校泡泡,如果用当下感染人数多的卡拉OK厅来比喻,就好比学校里每天开了十几个卡拉OK厅,一唱唱一天,再回家与家庭成员交叉接触。第二天,兄弟姐妹去了其他的学校,父母去了其他的公司,年长者去了超市或休闲场所,而本人再去学校再唱一天。按省长的话讲,这种生活至少要持续到圣诞节……他可能真不知道,就他的知识水平可能也真难以想象,从概率论的角度他到底在说什么?!!那简直将是一场悲剧啊~~ 特别是这些是孩子啊,每个家庭里最最在乎的人,当家长的活了这许多年,其实相比而言多少有些可以无所谓,但孩子,他们的人生才刚刚开始啊~~


– 公校会简单些,从第3步骤开始。

– 私校的需要加第1、2的步骤,就是先在所在地址所属的公校注册,注册完成后请私校取消位置(我是从开始办的时候就通知了私校会HS)。


步骤2、在所在片区的公校注册,需要证明地址的账单,跟他们说注册是为了homeschooling(免得浪费他们太多精力)公校注册好,立刻通知私校取消孩子的位置。可以在公校注册期间就请私校联系waiting list上的其他候选人,说好一注册成功第一时间通知私校。



在页面的中间偏下一堆表里点左上角的链接,就是这个置深的“Secure site for homeschooling providers for the 2020-2021 school year”。进入网站后,填好家长信息、孩子信息


步骤4、选左上角的第2个Annual notice of intent,会出来一个很简单的表,做好后,下载、打印、签字,拍照,再转成pdf格式。


步骤5、发一份给公校,发一份给公校所属的school board,我在市区,是发这个school board:Enseignement_Maison@csdm.qc.ca,另外发一份给教委dem@education.gouv.qc.ca,所以总共发三份。




DEM@education.gouv.qc.ca, 语言上不是很方便的朋友可以多用谷歌翻译



这里向魁省的IT家长Olivier Drouin致敬一下,虽然他看不到,他做了





祝愿朋友们多保重,都保护好自己的孩子~~ All the best wishes!!


Dear Parents

As a follow-up to our phone call from earlier today, here is the information you need to register your daughter with our department and submit the learning project.

The Learning Project – Primary Education

Before you start completing your learning project, please make sure the Notice of Intent for your child has been signed, dated and sent to your school board / educational service centre:


Upon submitting your Notice of Intent, you have 30 days to complete and submit a learning project to our department. Here is the direct link to our primary education learning project template:


In order to complete the learning project, you will need to consult the Quebec Education Program (QEP) website at http://www.education.gouv.qc.ca/en/teachers/quebec-education-program/ and look at the content of the Elementary program for English, French, Math, Science and Technology and Social Sciences. The document you will need to familiarize yourself with is called Progression of Learning which can be found under each subject. Here are the direct links to these documents:



You must be teaching your daughter either in English or in French and the level you are teaching must fit her level of education according to her age. You will be focusing on grade 5 – Year 1 of Cycle 3.

If you have the intention of (re)integrating your daughter into the French system, it will be important to keep up with the French-language learning suited to her future schooling.

Français, Langue de l’enseignement



French Second Language


Furthermore, it will be important to keep up with the English-language learning suited to her future schooling.

English Language Arts:



English as a Second Language:




Science and Technology:


Social Sciences: Geography, History and Citizenship Education


As a homeschooling family, you must align your learning project with the QEP, yet the methods you use to teach are up to you. Note that we do not offer online classes; it is primarily the parents’ responsibility to teach their homeschooled children. The strongest learning projects have students reading, writing and doing math every day and learning in creative ways.

Here are a few suggestions for online resources you may find helpful to teach students at the primary level:

•                    https://www.ecoleouverte.ca/elementary/ – links to French and English online learning resources

•                    https://ca.ixl.com/  – English Language Arts and Math – able to align with Quebec Education Program (all in English)

•                    https://ici.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/scolaire  – French CBC programming for children

•                    https://www.cbc.ca/kidscbc2/ – English CBC programming for children

•                    https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ – English geography and science topics for children

•                    https://laclef.tv/ – French literacy and numeracy for children

•                    https://www.alloprof.qc.ca/ – French homework support

•                    https://carrefour-education.qc.ca/ – French education resources

We strongly recommend that you get in touch with your school board for more information about evaluation, and access to resources like school books, facilities and services, online resources, etc.

When you have completed these learning projects, upload it to your child’s online DEM account so that your resource person will be able to access it and assess it in the coming months.

In addition to the learning project, parents must submit a midterm and status report towards the middle of the school year. This report describes the progress of the learning project, and the child’s learning over the first few months of homeschooling. Templates will be available on our website.

Towards the end of the school year, parents must submit their completion report, which is similar to the midterm report but deals with the latter half of the year. Furthermore, accompanying the completion report will be an evaluation – either a portfolio, an evaluation written up by a certified Quebec teacher, an evaluation from a school board, a private school or the Ministry – which is proof of the learning that has taken place over the course of the year. Your resource person will be able to explain the latter in greater detail as you approach the end of the school year.

A resource person, who will be able to assist you with ideas regarding what to include in those reports, should be assigned to your family near the beginning of the school year. You and your child will also have to attend at least one monitoring meeting with your resource person. More information is available in the Homeschooling Support Guide.

Please refer to the Ministry’s homeschooling website for more information http://www.education.gouv.qc.ca/en/school-boards/support-and-assistance/homeschooling/ .

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