读懂英文保单 —— 重病险(二)
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4、什么时候理赔重病险 When a Critical illness insurance benefit is payable
A Critical illness insurance benefit is payable if this policy is in effect and all requirements for a Group 1 or Group 2 illness as defined under the heading, Covered critical illness are satisfied. If we make a payment, it’s paid to the Critical illness benefit payee named on your application, unless you make a change in writing to us.
Before we make a payment, we verify the insured person’s date of birth. If the date of birth given on the application is incorrect, we’ll adjust the amount we pay to reflect the insured person’s correct age.
重大疾病险的赔偿金支付需要在保单生效时,并且满足Group 1 或 Group 2标题下定义的所有要求。赔付时,赔偿金会支付给保单申请中的“Critical illness benefit payee”(重病险利益收款人),除非您书面通知我们做改动。
Group 1 Covered critical illness payment
If the insured person qualifies for a Group 1 Covered critical illness we make a one-time payment and this policy ends. The amount we pay is:
- The greater of the Critical illness insurance benefit amount at the time the benefit is payable or the Returnable premium amount for the Return of premium on cancellation benefit
- Minus any unpaid premiums plus interest at the time the benefit is payable.
When this policy ends, we will pay you any amount in the withdrawable premium fund as described later in this policy.
Group 1涵盖的重大疾病支付 如果被保险人符合Group 1涵盖的重大疾病,我们做一次性的付款,同时该重病险保单终止。我们付出的金额为:
– 二者中的较大者:赔付时重病险应理赔的金额,或“取消保单时返还全部保费”选项下应支付的金额
– 减去在赔付时任何未缴保费连同利息。
当保单结束时,我们将会支付您任何可取出的“withdrawable premium”,这将在保单之后的部分介绍。
【解释】通常客户都会选“去世时返还全部保费”、“15年付款期结束后/或保单到期时返还全部保费”这两个选项来实现100%的保本。为什么理赔时要规定二者中的较大者?这其实是在更好地保障客户的利益。以最低保额2.5万的重病险保单为例,年龄稍大的客户(如60岁以上),可能会出现累计缴的保费 > 理赔额2.5万。选取二者中的较大者,若保额 > 累计缴的保费,则赔偿保额2.5万;若保额 < 累计缴的保费,则赔偿累计缴的保费。
Group 2 Covered critical illness payment
If the insured person qualifies for a Group 2 Covered critical illness we make a payment. For each claim, the amount we pay is the lesser of
- 15% of the Critical illness insurance benefit amount at the time the benefit is payable, or
- $50,000.
The amount we pay is reduced by any unpaid premiums plus interest at the time the benefit is payable.
Once we make a payment for a Group 2 Covered critical illness, you may not make another claim for that same illness. Coverage continues for all Group 1 and any Group 2 Covered critical illness for which we have not made a payment.
Group 2 涵盖重大疾病支付
如果被保险人有资格获得Group 2涵盖的重大疾病,我们进行付款。对于每一个要求,我们支付二者中的较小者 – 15%的重大疾病险理赔额,或 – $50,000
一旦我们支付了Group 2涵盖的重大疾病,您将不能就同一种病再次理赔。保单还会继续,Group 1的重大疾病以及Group 2的其他疾病还将继续被保障。
【解释】Group 2是4种部分理赔的疾病,理赔额是15%的保额,但最高不超过5万加币这是为什么上面规定了二者中的较小者。Group 2中的任一种疾病理赔后,重病险保单仍旧存在,若再得Group 2的其他疾病,会再赔15%的保额;若再得Group 1的疾病,则全额理赔,同时保单结束。
在这种保单中,一份重病险保单最多能赔出160%来,也就是Group 2中的四种部分理赔疾病最多可以每种得一次,之后再得Group 1的疾病获得100%的全额理赔。
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