保单中的段落 —— 重病险(一)

保单中的段落 —— 重病险(一)





如果您想了解更多关于家庭税务规划、与公司避税相关的股东保护、Super Visa探亲险、旅游探亲险、国际学生险、退休基金RRSP、教育基金RESP、免税投资账户、人寿险、重病险等信息,欢迎联系我,或发邮件至 huanghaiyi@gmail.com,更多文章请见www.huanghaiyi.com




1、保费时间表Premium schedule

Premiums are due monthly on the 17th day of the month, starting on September 17, ××××.

Premiums are payable for 15 policy years.

The premiums shown in this schedule are guaranteed while this policy is in effect.

Guaranteed premiums

  1. Critical illness insurance benefit
  2. Return of premium benefit(s)

Beginning on                 (1)                    (2)         Annual Premium ($)         Monthly Premium ($) 17 Sept ××××   ××××   ××××           ×××.××                            ×××.××





2、您可以改变想法  If you change your mind within 10 days

You may send us a written request to cancel your policy within

  • 10 days of receiving it from us, or
  • 60 days after the policy is issued, whichever date is earlier

You are considered to have received your policy 5 days after it’s mailed from our office, or on the date your advisor delivers it to you.

When we receive your written request we’ll refund any amount paid. This is called rescission.

Your decision to cancel your policy is your personal right. When we receive your request to cancel it, all of our obligations and liabilities under this policy end immediately. The cancellation is binding on you and any person entitled to make a claim under this policy, whether their entitlement is revocable or irrevocable.


您可以发给我们书面请求取消保单在:收到保单10天内,or 保单issue的60天,看哪个日期更早些。


3、保单争议Contesting the policy

The incontestability provisions set out in the provincial or territorial insurance legislation applicable to this policy apply.

Limit on contesting争议限制

We cannot challenge the validity of the policy after it has been in effect continuously for two years from the later of the date it took effect and the date it was last reinstated. If the policy is amended to increase or change a benefit or improve a rating, we cannot challenge the validity of the amendment after it has been in effect continuously for two years from the later of the date the amendment took effect and the date the policy was last reinstated.

Exception to the limit on contesting争议限制的例外

We can challenge the validity of the policy or an amendment at any time in cases of fraud or cases involving a disability benefit.






黄海懿, 蒙特利尔值得信赖的财务顾问 。若您有兴趣做分红险、重病险、旅游探亲险、国际学生险,或是想做税务规划、特别是新移民前五年的财税规划和海外资产申报,欢迎联系我514-559-1321(cell) 此为新号码,或发邮件至 huanghaiyi@gmail.com,更多文章请见www.huanghaiyi.com

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